Prague/Barcelona — Football not only ignites passion but also serves as a major driver of national and international tourism, with loyal fans eagerly taking to the skies to cheer for their teams in person. Data from, a leading travel-tech company, reveals how this passion fuels a growing trend in sports tourism, with Spanish andContinue reading “Football fever fuels international travel”
Tag Archives: european travel
Sunlight Air and partnership brings greater choice for customers and a streamlined customer experience
Prague, Czech Republic — Leading travel technology company and Philippines’ airline, Sunlight Air have signed a partnership agreement that will see customers benefit from the airline’s best fares and their dedication to delivering exceptional service, a shared purpose of both organizations. “This direct integration with Sunlight Air is great news for global travelersContinue reading “Sunlight Air and partnership brings greater choice for customers and a streamlined customer experience” European travelers choosing to fly to summer hotspots during the off-season can save up to 34.5% on their flight tickets
Prague, Czech Republic — The end of the European summer vacations marks the beginning of the travel season for those who prefer quieter and more affordable trips. booking data reveals that this year tickets to travel during the off-season months from the European continent, are on average 19% cheaper than they were to travelContinue reading “ European travelers choosing to fly to summer hotspots during the off-season can save up to 34.5% on their flight tickets” 2023 Travel Review
Prague, Czech Republic – Leading travel tech company,, has taken a look at the travel behaviors of their customers in 2023. Over 22.9 billion kilometers were traveled by customers this year, 35.7 billion searches were made to find the perfect route, price or destination for their travels and over 24 millions seats wereContinue reading “ 2023 Travel Review” 140% increase in bookings this summer from Europe
15 September 2022 – bookings from Europe for summer 2022 saw a 140% increase compared to summer 2021, overtaking summer 2019 figures by 92.5%. Italy, Spain and Greece traditionally remain the top summer destinations, although the United Kingdom jumped from seventh place last year to third place this year. London was the top cityContinue reading “ 140% increase in bookings this summer from Europe”
The European summer entices global travelers to return booking data shows Italy, Spain and Greece as most selected European destinations 6 June 2022 – Bookings for summer 2022 are skyrocketing, surpassing 2019 volumes, after two years of lockdowns, restrictions and uncertainty. data* shows that when comparing last year’s summer bookings, this year sees almost four times growth, and when comparing pre-pandemicContinue reading “The European summer entices global travelers to return”